Sunday, June 21, 2009

Garbanzo Beans for Glucose Control

by Kelley Herring

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studied the effects of chickpeas versus wheat on insulin sensitivity.

The study evaluated 19 healthy middle-aged men and women on three separate days three hours after a meal. At each meal, the participants were given 50 grams of carbohydrate - either from chickpeas, wheat-based foods or white bread.

The study showed that the plasma glucose levels of participants enjoying chickpeas was substantially lower 30 minutes and 1 hour after eating each individual meal compared to the participants in the groups eating the other carbohydrates.

Enjoy low-glycemic chickpeas in recipes like Hummus & Tzatzki Wrap and Chickpea Dal, or try adding chickpeas to your favorite salads, soups or sautes for fiber, protein and blood sugar balance.

High Blood Sugar = High Colon Cancer Risk

When you metabolize carbohydrates, your body produces insulin. And when the insulin switch is flipped to the “on” position, another compound is made at the same time: C-peptide.

The more insulin you make… the more C-peptide you make. A recent study of more than 15,000 men found that those with the highest levels of C-peptide were 300% more likely to develop colon cancer as those with the lowest.

Flip your insulin – and your colon cancer switch – OFF! Learn how in Your Guide to Living a Low-Glycemic Lifestyle and discover the safe levels of C-peptide and how to get tested in 20 Lifesaving Tests Your Doctor Hasn’t Performed (And Should!).

Click here to learn more...

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