Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Horseradish: A Hot Way to Fight Cancer

by Kelley Herring

Do you savor the heat of horseradish? If so, you may be giving your body an extra layer of armor to fend off cancer.

New research published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found that horseradish contains 10 times more cancer-fighting nutrients (called glucosinolates) than broccoli. And it doesn’t take much to get the benefits. In fact, as little as 1 gram (or less than a teaspoon) can provide a significant benefit, according to researchers.

So go ahead and add an extra dollop of horseradish to your shrimp cocktail and apply liberally to your roasted wild salmon. You’ll add wonderful (calorie-free!) flavor and boost your body’s defenses against cancer.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sugar Increases Your Risk for Colon Cancer

by Kelley Herring

The next time you get a chocolate craving, forgo the candy bar (or energy bar, ahem!). Reach for a low-sugar, protein-rich chocolate smoothie instead. You’ll balance your blood sugar, and may help reduce your risk of colon cancer as well.

In the Women’s Health Study, researchers found that a high glycemic load significantly increased the risk of colon cancer in women. That’s because foods that spike blood sugar and insulin levels contribute to an environment in your body that feeds tumor growth.

When you need a quick chocolate fix, try this: Mix 1 scoop Health FX Whey Advanced (an all-natural whey protein with no added sugar or artificial ingredients) with 1 tablespoon organic cocoa, 1/3 cup berries, and 1 1/2 cups water. Whirl in a blender and satisfy your sweet tooth… safely.

Rosemary: A Kitchen Cabinet Cancer-Fighter

by Kelley Herring

Most gourmands would agree with the old adage “spice is nice”. And now scientists do, too.

Inside your kitchen cabinet there are probably dozens of spices and herbs you should be using more liberally…and more often. Rosemary is one of them.

Recent research published in Oncology Reports found that rosemary has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to protect cells from oxidative damage. What’s more, the piney spice showed strong cancer-fighting activity against human leukemia and breast cancer cell lines.

Because rosemary is so effective at inhibiting oxidation, you’ll begin to see it listed as a natural preservative (called Vitiva) in some of your favorite foods. In the meantime, add this “herb of remembrance” to marinades, salad dressings and teas to boost the flavor and antioxidant value of your foods.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Flaxseed: Fight Breast Cancer at Breakfast

by Kelley Herring

Don’t let the diminutive size of flaxseed fool you. Packed with a group of nutrients called lignans, these tiny seeds pack a powerful punch against breast cancer.

So, how do they do it? Lignans work like a sponge—coursing through the body and mopping up circulating estrogens that can encourage certain cancers to grow.

A recent Canadian study evaluated the effects of flaxseed on patients with breast cancer. The patients were divided into two groups; one group received a single flaxseed muffin a day with 25 grams of ground flaxseed, while the other group ate no flax. The researchers found the patients eating the flax muffin experienced a significant slow in cancer growth, while those not noshing the flax saw no change.

Because lignans are locked beneath the tough exterior of flaxseed, your body can’t tap into their power unless you grind them. Sprinkle a heaping tablespoon of ground flaxseed on organic yogurt, whole grain breakfast cereal, or try Wellness Bakeries Chocolate Bliss Cake- each serving is an excellent source of ALA omega-3 and packed with lignans from finely milled organic flaxseed.

Does Your Diet Fit In Your Genes?

Probably not. And that’s a real problem.

Our genes haven’t changed much since the days of our Paleolithic ancestors. But our diet has. And the result is chronic disease.

The good news is that there are two small changes you can make to please your hunter-gatherer genes and protect your health. See p. 20 of Your Body’s Ecosystem and p. 11 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more.

Click here to learn more...

Saturday, August 08, 2009

A Madras Medely for Powerful Prostate Protection

by Kelley Herring

New research shows Curried Cauliflower—an ancient Indian dish—provides powerful protection against the development of prostate cancer. What’s more, this Madras medley was also shown to be effective in treating established prostate cancers.

Scientists at Rutgers tested curcumin, a phytonutrient found in turmeric, along with phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), a naturally occurring substance particularly abundant in cauliflower and other vegetables of the broccoli family (including arugula, watercress, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi and turnips)

The researchers injected the mice with curcumin or PEITC, alone or in combination, three times a week for a total of four weeks. They found that both curcumin and PEITC significantly reduced the growth of cancerous tumors. But using PEITC and curcumin together produced even stronger effects.

Pick up a bottle of this powerful prostate protector. Look for a high-quality, organic variety at your local health food store and make sure to keep turmeric (or a curry blend) in a cool dark place as light reduces its potency.

Cut Prostate Cancer Risk by 48%

The Physicians’ Health Study evaluated more than 20,000 men and found that those eating this food five times a week had a 48% lower chance of death from prostate cancer than the men who ate less than one weekly serving.

See p. 23 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more and then find hundreds of recipes with this cancer-fighting ingredient on our website.

Click here to learn more...

Friday, August 07, 2009

Blueberries: Berry Promising Against Colon Cancer

by Kelley Herring

New research shows that pterostilbene–a compound found in blueberries—may be promising in the prevention of colon cancer.

Researchers at Rutgers and the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) teamed up to investigate pterostilbene’s cancer-fighting effects. In the study, rats were given azoxymethane—a compound that causes colon cancer. Half of the animals were then placed on a balanced daily diet, while the other animals were given the same diet supplemented with pterostilbene.

At the end of the eight-week study period, the rats that were given pterostilbene showed 57% fewer pre-cancerous lesions in their colon than those in the control group.

Make delicious, antioxidant-rich blueberries a mainstay in your diet. A great way to keep them on hand is to buy them frozen. Then just thaw and enjoy!

This Nutrient Cuts Colon Cancer Risk by 41%

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people getting high levels of this important nutrient, had up to a 41% reduced risk of colon cancer. But you have to get it from a particular source in order to benefit.

See p. 23 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more and then find hundreds of recipes with this cancer-fighting ingredient on our website.

Click here to learn more...

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Broccoli: Powerful Breast Cancer Protection

by Kelley Herring

When it comes to protecting against breast cancer, your best medicine may right on your plate. In fact, one family of cancer-fighting veggies in particular -the crucifers -show activity similar to the common breast cancer drug, Taxol.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers examined the effects of sulforaphane - a nutrient found exclusively in cruciferous vegetables -on human breast cancer cells.

Researchers treated MCF-7 (a human breast cancer cell line) with sulforaphane. Within 24 hours, the cancer cells stopped growing and dividing and there was an increase in a cancer-protective protein. Researchers found that sulforaphane acts much like Taxol by disrupting components of the cell called microtubules.

Fight breast cancer naturally by powering up your plate with this diverse and delicious family of vegetables. Crucifers include arugula, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, collards, daikon, horseradish, kale, mustard greens, rutabagas, turnips, radishes and watercress—so boredom is no excuse.

Because sulforaphane is destroyed by heat, enjoy these veggies “in the raw” for maximum nutritional benefit.

This Nutrient Cuts Colon Cancer Risk by 41%

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people getting high levels of this important nutrient, had up to a 41% reduced risk of colon cancer. But you have to get it from a particular source in order to benefit.

See p. 23 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more and then find hundreds of recipes with this cancer-fighting ingredient on our website.

Click here to learn more...

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Yogurt: Cancer Protection from Probiotics

by Kelley Herring

You probably know that probiotics—the bacteria found in yogurt, buttermilk, kefir and other cultured dairy products—can improve gastrointestinal health. Now new research shows another way these good-for-you germs guard against disease.

Researchers at the Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health recently found that probiotics inactivate carcinogens that can damage DNA. And in doing so, may help to protect against one of the most prevalent cancers—colon cancer.

To get the cancer-fighting benefits of probiotics, choose plain, organic yogurt (or other cultured dairy products). And make sure you get those with no sugar added. You can also opt for a high quality probiotic supplement (with “live and active” on the label) to get the benefits of these healthy cultures, calorie and sugar-free.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Garlic: Cloves for Cancer Protection

by Kelley Herring

You may want to think again before you say "Hold the garlic." Especially if you’re concerned about colon cancer.

In a review of research conducted over the past 10 years, eight studies showing garlic’s cancer-fighting power were identified.

In one clinical trial, participants with colorectal cancer (CRC) who took aged garlic extract saw a 29% decrease in the number and size of their colon tumors.

In five of the studies, those who ate raw or cooked garlic had a lower risk for CRC than those consuming none.

In two studies, those who had eaten raw or cooked garlic had a lower risk for cancer of the distal or sigmoid colon compared with those not eating garlic.

The reviewers concluded that garlic eaters have 30% less risk for CRC than non-garlic eaters.

You don’t have to look far for good ways to enjoy the "stinking rose." Mince and whirl into salad dressing, chop and toss with steamed veggies and extra virgin olive oil, or roast and spread on crusty, whole-grain bread to help guard against cancer… deliciously!

This Nutrient Cuts Colon Cancer Risk by 41%

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people getting high levels of this important nutrient, had up to a 41% reduced risk of colon cancer. But you have to get it from a particular source in order to benefit.

See p. 23 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more and then find hundreds of recipes with this cancer-fighting ingredient on our website.

Click here to learn more...

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Drink Alcohol? Get Enough Folate

by Kelley Herring

While the glass seems half full when it comes to drinking red wine (thanks to the powerful antioxidant resveratrol) we can't ignore the fact that the glass is half empty when it comes to alcohol's effect on hormone-related cancers.

Numerous studies have found that even moderate alcohol intake is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in women
. However, in those women consuming at least one alcoholic drink per day, folic acid intake of at least 600 mcg daily resulted in about half the risk of breast cancer compared with women who consumed less that 300 mcg of folic acid daily.

Studies have also found low folate intake and high alcohol intake to be associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer
. In a study of more than 45,000 male health professionals, intake of more than two alcoholic drinks per day doubled the risk of colon cancer. The combination of high alcohol and low folate intake increased the risk of colon cancer further. However, among those in the two-cocktail-a-day group, the men who got 650mcg or more of folate per day negated that increased risk.

If you enjoy alcohol in moderation, make sure you're getting enough folate in your diet. Our Healthiest Food Tool
and Personalized Recipe Search can help you boost the level of folate in your diet.

This Nutrient Cuts Colon Cancer Risk by 41%

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people getting high levels of this important nutrient, had up to a 41% reduced risk of colon cancer. But you have to get it from a particular source in order to benefit.

See p. 23 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more and then find hundreds of recipes with this cancer-fighting ingredient on our website.

Click here to learn more...

Saturday, August 01, 2009

10 Ways to Slash Your Risk of Breast Cancer

by Kelley Herring

Every three
minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States. Four women die from breast cancer every hour.

But despite these scary statistics, there is good news: research shows that lifestyle plays the biggest role in your risk for cancer. And in fact, genes only account for 5-10% of cases.

The food you eat, the substances you’re exposed to, and your level of physical activity impact your body's production and function ofhormones, inflammatory substances and immune factors that have the power to promote… or prevent cancer.

Here are 10 ways you can help to reduce your risk of breast cancer:

#1 - Balance Your Blood Sugar: One of the most important elements in preventing cancer is keeping your blood sugar stable. High-glycemic foods fuel cancer’s fire by elevating insulin the cancer-promoting hormone known as- insulin-like growth factors (IGF). But that’s not all. Sugar also depresses your immune system, giving cancer cells a dangerous window of opportunity to multiply and divide while the body’s defenses are down. Protect yourself by only enjoying low glycemic foods. You’ll be glad to know that all of the recipes and menus here at Healing Gourmet are low glycemic for optimum wellness.

#2 - Boost Omega-3 Fats: In the U.S. 80% of the fats we consume are omega-6’s. And that’s a dangerous thing because omega-6 fats (found in vegetable oils like corn and soybean oil) promote inflammation and turn on genes that fuel the cancer process. Omega-3's on the other hand, supply the antidote. Not only do these healthy fats (found in cold water fish like wild salmon and sardines, plus flaxseed, walnuts and chia) provide potent anti-inflammatory action, they also up-regulate the genes that guard against cancer. Aim for at least 1 gram of omega-3s daily – opt for a high quality fish oil supplement (like Carlson’s) or a serving of wild salmon.

#3 - Increase Antioxidants: Every day each cell in your body is attacked 10,000 times by free radicals. These rogue molecules damage DNA and can set the cancer process in motion. That’s why it’s important to enjoy foods that are naturally rich in antioxidants.

# 4 - Avoid Toxins: Rachel Carson pioneered the awareness of how environmental toxins promote breast cancer in her award-winning book, Silent Spring. We now know that there are a myriad of substances that hamper our hormonal harmony including PCBs in farmed fish and conventional meats, bisphenol-a (BPA) and other hormone-like substances in plastic bottles, can liners and food wraps, pesticides on conventionally-grown produce and even food additives and artificial sweeteners. You can learn more about these and how to avoid them in our new book Organics: Beyond Green.

#5 - Enjoy Some Sun: The sunshine vitamin is finally getting the credit it is due. When sunlight hits your skin, it produces vitamin D, which is converted to a powerful hormone that has been found to halt the growth of a number of cancers. And Harvard researchers recently found an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and breast cancer. Get more vitamin D by exposing your body to sunlight for 15-20 minutes, 3-5 times per week or take a high quality vitamin D supplement (like Carlson’s). Aim for 2,000 to 4,000 IU daily and consider getting your vitamin D levels checked.

#6 - Get Enough Rest: When you sleep, your body produces an important cancer-fighting substance called melatonin, which triggers a reduction in the production of estrogen. Melatonin is secreted in response to darkness. So it is important to sleep in a dark room and rest soundly through the night.If melatonin production is low, estrogen levels will rise and could promote the growth of breast cancer. So power down the TV and computer at least an hour before bed and look to natural sleep-aids like melatonin or valerian to help you get your zzz’s.

# 7 - Slim Down: Fat cells don’t just sit there. They release inflammatory compounds called cytokines that can boost cancer risk. Get your weight under control with regular, vigorous exercise and the portion-controlled, nutrient-rich recipes here at Healing Gourmet.

# 8 - Beware of Booze: Excess alcohol consumption sharply raises your risk of breast cancer. But recent research shows that taking 800 mcg of folate daily negated the increased risk associated with alcohol. If you choose to drink, drink only in moderation (this means 1 drink/day for women) and make sure you’re getting enough folate through a high-quality whole foods vitamin and folate-rich foods like lentils, asparagus, chickpeas and more.

# 9 - Enjoy Cancer-Fighting Food Families: A number of foods, herbs and spices have been shown to provide powerful cancer-fighting activity. Some of the most potent known include the cruciferous vegetables (providing glucosinolates), leafy greens (offering lutein), tomatoes (bursting with lycopene), turmeric (rich in curcumin), onions and garlic (fragrant with sulfur compounds). And remember, it’s important to enjoy whole foods because these nutrients work together, or synergistically, to produce the beneficial effects.

#10 - Cook to Fight Cancer: While many nutrients get a boost from heat, cooking at high temperatures can cause carcinogenic compounds to form. Opt to cook your organic meats and wild fish at lower temperatures to prevent the formation of heterocyclic amines (HCAs). And avoid carb-rich foods cooked at high temperatures too (like chips, crackers, cereals) that can contain acrylamide.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Grapefruit: A Juicy Way to Protect Your Liver

by Kelley Herring

In the moments of merriment, the indiscretions of indulgences silently take their toll on our health. We may not feel it at the time (or even the next morning), but alcohol’s stealthy effects can speed the hands of time and make us more prone to the ravages of aging and chronic disease.

But as you may have read in a previous Healing Gourmet articles, there are simple dietary things you can do to have your drinks (in moderation!) and protect your liver, too.

A recent research study published in the journal Carcinogenesis evaluated the protective effects of grapefruit juice on a liver exposed to one of the best-known chemical assailants— aflatoxin (AFB1).

In the study, lab animals were given grapefruit juice 5 days before being exposed to aflatoxin. The animals receiving the grapefruit juice had 65% less DNA damage to the liver than those not receiving grapefruit juice. What’s more, the animals getting the juice also reduced total DNA damage by 74% compared with the animals not drinking grapefruit.

Choose grapefruit juice to help guard your liver and boost your intake of antioxidant vitamin C. To reduce your sugar intake (which we strongly recommend!), mix 1 ounce of grapefruit juice with 7 ounces of sparkling spring water.

Crank Up Your Antioxidant Artillery!

You probably already know that eating antioxidant-rich foods is a good way to fend off the free-radicals that contribute to physical aging and chronic disease. But an even better way is to fuel your body’s internal antioxidant artillery, including your body’s “master antioxidant and detoxifier”:glutathione.

Learn which foods you need to eat to crank up your body’s manufacture of this life-saving compound on p. 5 of Your Guide to Antioxidant Superfoods.

Click here to learn more...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Net the Benefits of Seafood

by Kelley Herring

You probably know that seafood is good for you. But did you know it can boost your weight loss efforts?

A study published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology examined how specific fatty acids in muscle cells influence the body’s response to insulin and weight loss.

During the study, 21 obese participants ate a diet that emphasized lean fish-not fatty fish or fish oil supplements. At the end of the study the participants lost an average of 5.1 kg (or 11.2 pounds) and reduced their body mass index (BMI) by 4.3%. They also saw a reduction in their level of saturated fat by 11%, and an increase in omega-6 by 4% and omega-3 by 51% (mostly due to a 75% boost in one particular fatty acid, DHA).

We love the sustainable, wild fish varieties available locally at Whole Foods and Target. And if you want the best, choose Vital Choice. Opt for Pacific halibut, Black cod and mahi-mahi.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reduce Inflammation with a Low GI Diet

by Kelley Herring

Need another reason to choose low glycemic foods? How about reducing inflammation - a cornerstone of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes and cancer?

The Nurses' Health Study evaluated the diets of 732 healthy women using a food frequency questionnaire. The study compared women consuming a “Prudent” pattern diet- higher intakes of fruit, vegetables, legumes, fish, poultry, and whole grains, with those consuming a “Western” pattern diet, characterized by higher intakes of red and processed meats, sweets, desserts, French fries, and refined grains.

Researchers found the "Prudent" pattern was inversely associated with levels of CRP, while the Western pattern showed a positive relation with CRP, interleukin 6 and other factors of inflammation.

Reduce inflammation and keep your blood sugar in check by centering your meals around antioxidant and fiber-rich beans and veggies complimented by organic proteins.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vinegar: A Tangy Way to Tame Blood Sugar

by Kelley Herring

Want to balance your blood sugar? Do it with tangy flavors!

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition investigated the ability of vinegar to reduce the glycemic index and insulin response to a carb-rich meal.

Twelve healthy volunteers were given three different concentrations of vinegar with a meal containing 50 grams of available carbohydrates. During the next two hours, their glucose, insulin and feelings of fullness were measured.

The study found that the vinegar reduced blood sugar and insulin levels and also increased satiety. The researchers also found that those who consumed the most vinegar experienced the lowest rise in blood sugar and insulin and felt satisfied the longest.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wild Salmon: The Best Choice for Prostate Health

by Kelley Herring

Reducing your risk of prostate cancer may be as easy as making smarter seafood selections, new research suggests.

A recent study published in the journal Environmental Research examined the effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)- harmful compounds found mostly in farm-raised fish-and their role in prostate cancer.

In this study, serum samples were taken from healthy men and men with prostate cancer. The serum samples were evaluated for 30 PCBs. Researchers found that the odds of prostate cancer among men with the highest concentrations of PCBs were over two times higher than the men with the lowest concentration.

Catch the benefits of fish without reeling in health-harming PCB's by going for wild-caught fish. Because most seafood in restaurants is “farm-raised”, your best bet is to buy fresh, frozen or canned seafood labeled “wild”, like those offered from Vital Choice.

Cut Prostate Cancer Risk by 48%

The Physicians’ Health Study evaluated more than 20,000 men and found that those eating this food five times a week had a 48% lower chance of death from prostate cancer than the men who ate less than one weekly serving.

See p. 23 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more and then find hundreds of recipes with this cancer-fighting ingredient on our website.

Click here to learn more...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mushrooms: A Cancer-Fighting Fungus

by Kelley Herring

Mushrooms have long been lauded for their medicinal properties. In fact, some varieties of mushroom have been used in Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years.

A study published in the Journal of Complementary Medicine explored the anti-tumor activities of “mycochemicals” found in shiitake mushrooms.

Using two malignant human breast cancer cell lines and two myeloma cell lines, researchers found that the “mycochemicals” from shiitake mushroom caused apoptosis, or cell suicide, in 50% of the human tumors.

To get the benefits, try one of the recipes featured in our book Eat to Fight Cancer: Shiitake Mushroom and Rappini Stuffed Chicken Breasts.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Eat Nuts, Lose Weight

by Kelley Herring


A recent study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders evaluated the effects of an almond-enriched diet versus a complex-carb enriched diet for weight loss.

The 24 week trial included 65 adults who were either overweight or obese. Half of the participants in the study ate a low calorie diet plus 84g/day (about 3 ounces, daily) of almonds or a low calorie diet plus their choice of complex carbohydrates. Both groups consumed the same amount of calories and protein.

At the end of the study, the almond-eaters enjoyed a 62% greater reduction in weight, 50% greater reduction in waist circumference and 56% great reduction in fat mass compared with the group consuming the complex carbohydrate alternative.

Enjoy a handful of almonds as a snack, or try one of our delicious nutty recipes at the Healing Gourmet website.

Extra Pounds? Blame It On Bacteria!

Did you know that an imbalance of the natural bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract can promote weight gain? It's true! The flora – or natural organisms that reside inside your gut – rely on you to feed them the right foods.

Learn how to get back to balance eating delicious, nutrient packed foods in Your Body's Ecosystem.

Click here to learn more...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Avocados: A High Fat Liver Protector

by Kelley Herring

Love avocados? New research shows this decadent, high fat fruit may help to protect your liver.

Researchers at Shizuoka University in Japan fed 22 different fruits to a group of rats with liver damage caused by galactosamine, a powerful liver toxin. The researchers then measured the changes in specific liver enzymes which indicate damage.

Of the 22 fruits, the avocado had the most potent liver-protecting activity, boasting 5 specific compounds that appear to be active in reducing liver damage. Hirokazu Kawagishi , the study leader says "Besides offering taste and nutrition, avocados seem to improve liver health. People should eat more of them."

Don’t be deterred by avocados high calorie, high fat profile. Their fat is the heart-healthy monounsaturated variety and the “alligator pear” provides a laundry list of potent nutrients including antioxidant vitamins E and C, glutathione, lutein and zeaxanthin. If that’s not enough —they’re also high in fiber and potassium, and provide a good amount of folate, to boot.

So go ahead and slice avocados onto salads, fold into wraps and mash into guacamole. You’ll delight your taste buds, and protect your liver, too.

A Jarring Fact about Canned Foods

Do you eat canned food? If so you’re being exposed to a dangerous cancer-causing compound called bisphenol-a (BPA). This dangerous compound is used in the liners of cans. And it leaches into your food - especially acidic foods like tomatoes.

Just two companies make BPA-free can liners. Learn which brands you should choose to stay away from BPA! See p. 29 of Smart Cooks Age Better.

Click here to learn more...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Boost Your Body’s Defenses with Beets

by Kelley Herring

Every day your liver processes and disarms hundreds, if not thousands of toxic compounds that make their way into your body. While many of these toxins are unavoidable (like those found in the air due to pollution), many are a direct result of our own choices—in diet, alcohol consumption and use or application of chemical substances.

The liver has a big job in neutralizing these harmful compounds. But the good news is that certain foods—like earthy, crimson-hued beets—can make your liver’s load a little lighter.

A recent study published in the journal Carcinogenesis found that beet fiber increases the activity of two important antioxidant enzymes in the liver, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S- transferase.

Because the liver is the body's primary detoxification center, free radicals are generated when toxic substances are broken down and eliminated. Glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase serve as the body's antioxidant defense system, acting as bodyguards for liver cells.

The earthy flavor and unique texture of beets makes them a culinary standout in any dish. Roast beets and slice over fresh organic mesclun, chop and sauté with greens or puree baked beets and pears for a sweet and delicious side dish. Your liver will love you for it.

Troubled by Toxins?

This common food additive is one of the best known excitoxins – substance that literally stimulate the neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. And it’s found in everything from protein bars to soups and sauces.

Manufacturers try to hide it from consumers by calling it 15 other sneaky names! Learn what they are so you can avoid brain drain. See p. 14 of Your Kitchen Cleanse.

Click here to learn more...

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Garlic Breath, Trim Waist?

by Kelley Herring

A recent study published in the American Journal of Hypertension explored the relationship between a allicin, powerful phytonutrient in garlic, and weight gain.

The researchers fed the all of the subjects a diet high in fructose to cause high insulin, blood pressure and triglycerides. The study group was then divided into three subgroups- a control group eating a fructose-enriched diet and two experimental groups receiving the fructose - enriched diet plus allicin.

At the end of the 5 week study, researchers found that the control group fed the fructose-enriched diet alone continued to gain weight, while the groups fed allicin did not.

Chop, press and crush your way to a smaller waistline, and try these garlicky dishes.