Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Garlic: Cloves for Cancer Protection

by Kelley Herring

You may want to think again before you say "Hold the garlic." Especially if you’re concerned about colon cancer.

In a review of research conducted over the past 10 years, eight studies showing garlic’s cancer-fighting power were identified.

In one clinical trial, participants with colorectal cancer (CRC) who took aged garlic extract saw a 29% decrease in the number and size of their colon tumors.

In five of the studies, those who ate raw or cooked garlic had a lower risk for CRC than those consuming none.

In two studies, those who had eaten raw or cooked garlic had a lower risk for cancer of the distal or sigmoid colon compared with those not eating garlic.

The reviewers concluded that garlic eaters have 30% less risk for CRC than non-garlic eaters.

You don’t have to look far for good ways to enjoy the "stinking rose." Mince and whirl into salad dressing, chop and toss with steamed veggies and extra virgin olive oil, or roast and spread on crusty, whole-grain bread to help guard against cancer… deliciously!

This Nutrient Cuts Colon Cancer Risk by 41%

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people getting high levels of this important nutrient, had up to a 41% reduced risk of colon cancer. But you have to get it from a particular source in order to benefit.

See p. 23 of Fats That Heal, Fats That Harm to learn more and then find hundreds of recipes with this cancer-fighting ingredient on our website.

Click here to learn more...

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