Saturday, July 25, 2009

Grapefruit: A Juicy Way to Protect Your Liver

by Kelley Herring

In the moments of merriment, the indiscretions of indulgences silently take their toll on our health. We may not feel it at the time (or even the next morning), but alcohol’s stealthy effects can speed the hands of time and make us more prone to the ravages of aging and chronic disease.

But as you may have read in a previous Healing Gourmet articles, there are simple dietary things you can do to have your drinks (in moderation!) and protect your liver, too.

A recent research study published in the journal Carcinogenesis evaluated the protective effects of grapefruit juice on a liver exposed to one of the best-known chemical assailants— aflatoxin (AFB1).

In the study, lab animals were given grapefruit juice 5 days before being exposed to aflatoxin. The animals receiving the grapefruit juice had 65% less DNA damage to the liver than those not receiving grapefruit juice. What’s more, the animals getting the juice also reduced total DNA damage by 74% compared with the animals not drinking grapefruit.

Choose grapefruit juice to help guard your liver and boost your intake of antioxidant vitamin C. To reduce your sugar intake (which we strongly recommend!), mix 1 ounce of grapefruit juice with 7 ounces of sparkling spring water.

Crank Up Your Antioxidant Artillery!

You probably already know that eating antioxidant-rich foods is a good way to fend off the free-radicals that contribute to physical aging and chronic disease. But an even better way is to fuel your body’s internal antioxidant artillery, including your body’s “master antioxidant and detoxifier”:glutathione.

Learn which foods you need to eat to crank up your body’s manufacture of this life-saving compound on p. 5 of Your Guide to Antioxidant Superfoods.

Click here to learn more...

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